Вирішення спорів Україна, Київ Вирішення спорів Україна, Київ

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Разрешение конфликтных ситуаций с задолженностями перед банками

Рішення Сімейних конфліктів разрешение трудовых споров





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Разрешение споров конфликтов

Решение Семейных конфликтов разрешение трудовых споров





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процесс медиации


Наш партнер медіатор рюрік

партнер медіатор

Conflict or disputed circumstances are part of the objective reality in which we live and we do not always correctly assess the new opportunities that a peaceful and constructive way of resolving these misunderstandings gives us.

You encountered circumstances that led to a misunderstanding with another person, a group of people or an institution and a conflict develops.

You encountered circumstances that led to a misunderstanding with another person, a group of people or an institution and a conflict develops.

Conflict fills your life with many unpleasant factors. Yes, conflict is always losses and risks, and the more it escalates, the more these factors increase.

How do you see the situation that led to the misunderstanding?

How do you see the situation that led to the misunderstanding?

What exactly is important for you? Yes, that's right, you have your own vision of what happened, and the other side also has its own vision formed under the influence of strong negative emotions.

You have questions:

You have questions:

- how exactly to resolve the disputed situation?
- Which way to go?
- What to do in order not to lose what you don't want to lose?
- How long will it take to resolve the conflict?
- Is the resource potential sufficient to defend one's interests?

There are not so many ways to resolve disputed situations:

- traditional - this is an appeal to the court
-alternative out-of-court dispute resolution procedures - mediation, negotiations, trite court

Perhaps the first way is to consider going to court.

Perhaps the first way is to consider going to court.

It would seem that there is nothing to say here, only the court will establish the truth - it is time to find or appoint the culprit and put the burden of responsibility on him. Have you ever asked yourself who the expected decision of a disputed issue depends on - so it is true from the judge and his perception of the circumstances of the case and the decision, which may significantly differ from your expectations. In fact, such a path leads to loss of health, life time, finances and possible disappointment from the result obtained in this way.

What other options, apart from going to court, did you consider?

What other options, apart from going to court, did you consider?

What have you heard about, about an alternative court, a way of resolving the conflict, which gives the opportunity to:

Quick resolution of the dispute compared to the court process

To ensure complete confidentiality of the dispute resolution process, which will give an opportunity to preserve your reputation

The parties to the dispute have equal opportunities in the process of searching and positively finding a solution to the conflict that satisfies the interests of both or more parties to the dispute

Obtaining a positive resolution of the dispute that satisfies the parties and they are willing to voluntarily comply with it

The possibility of maintaining partner relations for the future

Predictability of financial and time costs for dispute resolution

Since you are interested in the results of resolving a disputed situation, I suggest you get to know and use this rather simple and useful, alternative judicial method of conflict resolution.

Since you are interested in the results of resolving a disputed situation, I suggest you get to know and use this rather simple and useful, alternative judicial method of conflict resolution.

This way is - mediation - (from the English - Mediation), in other words, help in resolving the conflict, with the participation of a specialist with the appropriate profession and level of education (according to the requirements of the law), who organizes the process of negotiations between the parties to achieve a resolution of the conflict.

Mediation is the process of transforming a conflict into productive negotiations leading to finding a positive solution that is desirable and satisfactory to the parties. 

Mediation has long been very popular in many developed countries of the world as an effective and conflict-free way of out-of-court settlement of disputes. In most cases, the result of the mediation settlement of the dispute satisfies the interests of the participants, and thanks to this, such an alternative method of conflict settlement is becoming more and more popular.

Mediation has many benefits, such as:


maintaining reputation,

obtaining a positive result satisfying the interests of all participants,

estimated costs of time and money to resolve the dispute,

the possibility of maintaining business or personal relationships.

In Ukraine, mediation is a legally regulated alternative, judicial and other, method of resolving conflicts between a person and a person, a person and an institution/enterprise, an institution/enterprise and an institution/enterprise. Currently, this way of solving controversial issues is implemented in many spheres of society, both in the state and commercial sectors.

Mediation makes life simpler, the essence of things clearer, relations more transparent and healthy.

Hleb Marchenko
mediator's certificate 23050215

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