Вирішення спорів Україна, Київ Вирішення спорів Україна, Київ



How the mediation process helps

How the mediation process helps


What is mediation and on what legal grounds is it based?

Mediation is a process that involves the meeting of two or more participants in a disputed situation (conflict) in the presence of a mediator, as a person who does not represent the interests of any of the parties to the conflict, and helps the participants themselves reach a mutual agreement in resolving the dispute. The basis of the process is the restoration of trust between the participants in the dispute, the search for common interests and, based on them, the construction of a solution to a difficult situation, which is created by the participants themselves.


On November 16, 2021, the Law "On Mediation" entered into force in Ukraine, which specifies the legal principles, criteria of the mediation process itself, the mediator's qualification level, responsibility and legal recognition, consolidation of the result of the mediation agreement, which was worked out by its participants. In the USA, Britain and other European countries, mediation, as an alternative way to resolve conflicts, is a mandatory process before the case is considered by the judge, as he deems it necessary.

On August 7, 2019, the UN Convention "On International Agreements Based on the Results of Mediation" was adopted. Ukraine signed this convention along with 53 other countries.

For example: since 1990, when mediation in civil and commercial disputes was massively introduced in Great Britain, the total cost of cases that went through mediation is almost 110 billion pounds. According to research, about 74% of disputes are resolved within one day of mediation and another 15% for several days more

The mediation process does not require finding and placing blame on one side of the conflict.

The mediation process does not involve finding and placing blame on one of the parties to the conflict. Mediation is aimed at finding problems that created controversial circumstances that led to a conflict situation, finding common interests for an effective dispute resolution, finding by the participants themselves a profitable and satisfactory option for resolving the dispute and fixing it in writing in the form of a mediation agreement, which, at the request of the participants in the process, can be certified by a notary. Such a mediation agreement specifies the version of the decision worked out by the parties themselves, the ways and terms of its implementation, and other agreements of the participants in the mediation process.

Who is a mediator and what is his role, competence in the mediation process?

A neurohumor is a neutral and not engaged specialist that creates comfort terms for an equal in rights search by the participants of negotiations of general interests for being structural, mutually beneficial decision of conflict situation by parties, that satisfies their necessities fully. By means of corresponding questions to the participants, a neurohumor, assists adjusting of комуникації between parties, gives an equal opportunities to parties to expound the vision of conflict, profess interest each of parties, sends a dialogue to the search of structural and mutually beneficial variants of decision of dispute and in case of achievement of consent participants documentarily designs a that decision and other terms for his implementation that satisfies interests and necessities of parties fully .


A mediator in Ukraine, according to the Law "On Mediation", can only be a person who has completed the appropriate specialized training and has a certificate of the prescribed format.

The mediator in his activity is guided by the relevant profile law, other legislative acts of Ukraine .

The mediator, on his part, guarantees confidentiality regarding the entire volume of information received in the mediation process, ensures equality for the parties to the process, directs communication between the participants in the direction of working towards a positive and mutually beneficial solution to the disputed issue.

Гліб Марченко
Гліб Марченкоmediator
Hleb Marchenko
mediator's certificate 23050215

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