Вирішення спорів Україна, Київ Вирішення спорів Україна, Київ



Resolution of debt disputes between the borrower and a financial institution (bank, credit union, etc.)

A loan or other loan that you received at a time when you had sufficient financial resources and confidence in the future to repay them became a significant burden for you and your family in these difficult times. The bank or other financial institution that granted you a loan, despite the difficult conditions for the Ukrainian economy, insists on returning the borrowed funds and interest for their full use. In some cases, financial institutions can transfer your financial obligations to third parties, the so-called "collectors" and they are already using all measures of pressure on you and your loved ones.

As a result the apartment, the car or other assets which by this time pleased you and your family, become a conflict object between you and financial institution. What's next? Debt collects, you live under constant pressure of circumstances, lives are lost by joy, tension and nervousness is shown. No what your arguments make an impression on the creditor who allowed a loan. You feel hopelessness and loneliness


The services of a mediator in such difficult situations will be useful to you. Mediation will give you the opportunity to get out of such difficult situations. After all, these are not just words, but the practice of out-of-court resolution of disputes confirmed over the years in many developed countries of the world. What you get: establishing a constructive relationship with the creditor, which is very important for you opportunity to find mutually beneficial ways to resolve the dispute the possibility of further flexible cooperation with this institution have the status of a reliable borrower in case of arrest of property, to prevent forced alienation, blocking of accounts the opportunity to calm down and give hope for the future to your family the ability to focus on finding additional financial sources



Resolution of disputes between business founders

One of the most widespread disputes is the dispute between the founders of enterprises. It’s already unacceptable, if the partner seems to hit the butt: “I’m working hard, acceptance is developing for me, and the income is dilemma 50 to 50. It’s not fair! I want to be single-handedly volodity under the acceptance.”

How can I understand that degree of justice that I will contribute to the development of acceptance by the skin participant? Blame the conflict of interests of spivvlasniks. The skin has its own point of view, its own position. Tse everything is formed under the influence of the strong, under the hour of negative emotions, and a conflict is formed. 

We can definitely say:

  • lack of a detailed distribution of powers, reporting, collegiality in the adoption of strategic directions of development, powers of executive bodies at the beginning of the creation of the enterprise
  • communication in the process of enterprise activity
  • violation of agreements in the distribution of powers
  • abuse
  • the influence of third parties on the decision-making of one or more co-founders of the enterprise
  • absence or non-systematic holding of founders' meetings
  • lack of or insufficient attention to monitoring the operational activities of the enterprise
    personal and unwrapped images of the founders

In such cases, there is no need to immediately go to court. The judgment in many cases does not satisfy certain expectations. The trial of such cases takes a sufficiently long period of time and provides unwanted publicity, which damages the reputation of both the company and its founders. Enforcement of court decisions also causes a lot of difficulties and may not satisfy expectations. We can safely assume that the defeated party in court will continue to defend its violated interests and the proceedings will continue indefinitely. The main thing in court proceedings is that despite your confidence in the correctness, the decision depends on the judge and it may differ significantly from your point of view and position.

 This is far from a complete list of conflict generators that cause misunderstandings and disputes between the founders of enterprises.

By using an out-of-court dispute settlement method, namely mediation, you will receive:

To nie jest pełna lista generatorów konfliktów, które powodują nieporozumienia i spory między założycielami przedsiębiorstw.

  • full confidentiality of the dispute settlement process    
  • legally regulated documentation of the agreement on the reached peace agreement    
  • the agreement will be developed on the basis of taking into account your common interests    
  • decisions on the implementation of such an agreement are made voluntarily by the parties to the dispute and have a very high degree of execution by the parties    
  • the possibility of maintaining relationships
  • possibility of maintaining cooperation    
  • reputation will be preserved    
  • understanding the timing of conflict resolution    
  • understanding of the financial costs of dispute resolution, as opposed to litigation This is not a complete list of conflictogens that cause misunderstandings and disputes between the founders of enterprises.

 Resolving conflicts related to family business

When starting a business, people who are related do not think about formalizing business relations with each other, considering it excessive, offensive and witty. At the very beginning, while business does not produce results, our minds are clouded by "rosy" ideas about how we will work together, amicably and openly for the benefit of our family. We cannot imagine how it is possible to invite a friend to distribute the responsibilities, responsibilities, and other things inherent in a business relationship. We compromise , mixing personal and business relationships and usually personal come out on top. In personal relationships in the family business, there are more and more understatements, which in turn give rise to hidden insults - "Why did he do this? He doesn't understand....? She, as my wife, should know what to do, and she didn't. And so on."



Time goes by, business develops, and with it dissatisfaction with the work of a partner-relative. Grievances accumulate that develop into quarrels. This is all exacerbated by emotions that are associated with personal insults. And we have a conflict, it would seem where it should not be. Such conflicts have a very destructive power , both for business and for personal relationships. In such a conflict, an important role is played by how much the circle of people who will have information about the deterioration of relations between relatives-co-founders or managers increases. Let's remember what advice we hear from different angles and all of them are aimed at dividing, destroying business and relationships. And both sides are ready to go to court and find out which of them is guilty. And then irreversible processes begin to operate for relationships, reputation, finance, business and future. Therefore, in developed cains, judges prescribe compulsory mediation before considering a case. This enables the parties to the conflict to once again analyze, understand the factors that caused their misunderstanding and find the right way out of the conflict. In the case of a family business, mediation can preserve relationships, business, reputation, make it possible to understand how it is possible to properly build and formalize relations in such a way that conflicts do not occur.

 It would seem that the conflict is at such a stage that it seems impossible for us to negotiate, but this is nothing more than our fears and misperception of the objective reality around us. Contact a mediator to convince the other party of the need for negotiations and confidential resolution of your dispute.


Resolving conflicts in the field of labor relations

Conflict situations are inherent to groups of people. It's all about perceiving certain facts differently by each person. For example, when one considers snow to be white and the other will insist that it is crystal white and this will be fundamental to him - this is a conflict.

Conflict in groups of people is not necessarily high-profile scandals and quarrels. You assign tasks to several employees to a designated responsible person, the goal is defined, the deadline is set, but there is no result. What are your actions in this situation? Look for the culprit? Maybe we need to think about the underlying problems that prevent a group of people from achieving their goals? The basis can be a conflict between employees and you, who for some reason does not want employees to cooperate with each other, and much more, which at first glance does not fit into the concept of conflict.
You want to appoint a new promising employee who has been working for the company for a very long time and has good results at work. Instead of the joy you expect, this employee hears - "No thanks, I don't want this position. Maybe in the near future I will resign." You are confused and do not understand the person's motives. You feel you may lose a valuable employee. So in this situation the conflict takes place. This may be a difference in the views of you and the employee. Interests that you see positive, but for him are unacceptable from his own idea and plans for the future.

These examples do not give a general picture of all possible conflict situations in teams. You know that a friendly team always shows instant results. Characterized by consistency, punctuality, creativity and good creative mood. If you see a different picture of relationships, moods, productivity, it should be assumed that there is a conflict or several conflict situations that may erupt at some point and affect the company's reputation.

In such cases, you can contact the services of a mediator. In the event of conflicts in labor relations, as practice shows, it is possible to identify the conflict and its causes, resolve it positively for the company and employees, find those interests that were not taken into account, clarify and rebuild relations.
What will be useful to the company if you engage a mediator to resolve conflict situations in a work collective:
understanding the interests and needs of employees
The team aims to achieve goals
reputation of a reliable company
Trust in the team
optimization of the costs of employing additional employees
optimization of training costs for new employees

Trust and good relations between employees The effectiveness and reliability of a company depends primarily on personal and business relationships between people, well-established communication and empathetic attitude towards each other.


Resolution of disputes in the field of lease, sale and distribution of real estate

Real estate is a very interesting resource that can be a cozy home for your family, an asset in the company, an object for sale, an asset that gives passive income, a means that allows you to organize a business in it, securing funds for business.

Owning and using real estate has various forms, the most important of which are:
property ownership
lease, use of real estate
Real estate leasing
What motivates conflicts over the ownership or use of real estate?
The main factors are:
transfer of the authority's right to real estate (permanent or temporary use)
Real estate documentation
the actual process of using the property
fulfillment of the conditions on the basis of which the permanent or temporary use of real estate takes place
Factors that lead to the cessation of use of the property
the actions of other insurmountable circumstances that prevent the use or possession of the property In connection with the above, we can understand the size of conflicts, disputes, their depth, value that revolve around the property. All such disputes are always brought to the court level and have high publicity, the involvement of a large number of people in the clarification, long-term and financially costly.

As a result:

waste of time
financial expenses that exceed the subject of the dispute in court,
destruction of relationships,
obtaining a result that does not satisfy the parties to the dispute,
emotional losses for health

The establishment of mediation, as a legislator in the regulation of the litigation way, the resolution of conflict situations will give the opportunity for a fairly short term, an hour, with a reasonable predictable budget for the price and mutually beneficial for the participants in the dispute, the power of the unruly lane. Mediation favor, as a confirmation of the homeness of the parties to the dispute, on their basis can be certified by a notary.

Hleb Marchenko
mediator's certificate 23050215

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