Вирішення спорів Україна, Київ Вирішення спорів Україна, Київ

Як проходять медіаційні переговори? Вирішення спорів Україна, Київ

Вирішення спорів конфліктів

Разрешение конфликтных ситуаций с задолженностями перед банками

Рішення Сімейних конфліктів разрешение трудовых споров





служба медіації

служба медіації

медіація + у школі

медіація + у школі

процедура медіації

процедура медіації

шкільна медіація

шкільна медіація

шкільна служба медіації

шкільна служба медіації

медіації примирення

медіації примирення

служба медіації + у школі

служба медіації + у школі

освітня медіація

освітня медіація

розвиток медіації

розвиток медіації

медіація конфліктів

медіація конфліктів

медіація суперечок

медіація суперечок

центр медіації

центр медіації

медіація 2023

медіація 2023

процес медіації

процес медіації

Разрешение споров конфликтов

Решение Семейных конфликтов разрешение трудовых споров





служба медиации

служба медиации

медиация + в школе

медиация + в школе

процедура медиации

процедура медиации

школьная медиация

школьная медиация

школа медиации

школьная служба медиации

медиации примирения

медиации примирения

служба медиации + в школе

служба медиации + в школе

образовательная медиация

образовательная медиация

развитие медиации

развитие медиации

медиация конфликтов

медиация конфликтов

медиация споров

медиация споров

центр медиации

центр медиации

медиация 2023

медиация 2023

процесс медиации

процесс медиации


Mediation negotiations

like other types of negotiations have a process structure that has certain stages. The stages give the participants the opportunity to express their vision of the situation, express their emotions regarding certain misunderstandings, clarify points of view on the conflict, determine topics for discussion, discuss their own and common interests of the participants, make proposals and discuss options for solutions, approval of the decision made by the participants themselves, its documentation design.

Mediation process between the parties to the dispute may be in the format of:

  • individual meetings with each of the parties separately
  • general meeting of all parties;
  • mixed format (general meeting and, if necessary, the mediator interrupts it for short individual sessions with participants to clarify issues necessary for further general discussion);

The mediator, with the help of questions relating to the essence of the dispute, directs the participants to jointly discuss the situation and find ways of common understanding and finding a solution. In the case when the emotions of the participants begin to hang a constructive discussion of the subject of the dispute, the task of the mediator is to intervene and direct the participants to fruitful cooperation to resolve the dispute, and not to escalate it. The mediator helps to reveal and discuss all issues that separated the parties to the conflict, to understand the objectivity of each other's accusations, to establish a dialogue aimed at understanding and resolving the dispute, to discuss and understand the interests, needs of the parties and on their basis to develop options for resolving the dispute. Yes, and this is very important, and there is a strong understanding and desire to discuss ways to find such a solution by the participants themselves.


Гліб Марченко

The mediator in his work is primarily guided by impartiality, neutrality, the desire to understand the situation with the help of relevant questions to the participants and the establishment of useful and productive cooperation between the parties to the dispute in order for them to find a solution. Therefore, it can be argued that the mediator does not determine the culprits, does not unilaterally resolve the dispute, does not offer his vision for resolving the conflict, but helps the parties independently resolve the conflict without placing the blame on one of the parties.


What useful and effective will you get in resolving the dispute with the help of mediation?

Mediation is primarily aimed at resolving a situation that has led to conflict between people. What is important is the establishment of a dialogue between the conflicting parties for fruitful and positive cooperation aimed at finding a mutually beneficial solution to the conflict. It seems impossible when negative emotions towards each other overwhelm the parties to the conflict, the cost of the dispute for them is no longer as important as laying the blame on each other, causing maximum harm to the enemy. But when we begin to express our vision of the dispute, not to blame the other , but to desire to understand each other . When we understand that there are separate people and there is a separate conflict situation and how to resolve it mutually beneficial for each participant, then the subdivision for conflict between people disappears.

What is needed in order to stop your decision on the choice of mediation as an effective method of alternative resolution of a conflict situation?

Advantages of mediation: - understand that living in fatigue and negativity from the conflict of life is not for you
• the desire to get rid of the conflict in one's life as soon as possible
• understand that blaming the other will not solve the conflict between you
• remember that conflicts develop where there is no communication between people
• the desire to hear another point of view, why everything happened this way
• what is the court, then to what extent will its decision satisfy me and how much money and time will it take
• how will the court decision be in my favor, will it satisfy and stop the other side of the conflict

Advantages of mediation: - understand that living in fatigue and negativity from the conflict of life is not for you
• the desire to get rid of the conflict in one's life as soon as possible
• understand that blaming the other will not solve the conflict between you
• remember that conflicts develop where there is no communication between people
• the desire to hear another point of view, why everything happened this way
• what is the court, then how much will its decision satisfy me and how much money and time is needed for this
• how will the court decision be in my favor, will it satisfy and stop the other side of the conflict

Hleb Marchenko
mediator's certificate 23050215

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